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Didn’t find what you needed? Maybe the below list can help clarify some information.

We accommodate B2B transactions through invoicing and direct bank transfers.

The courses we organize are closed sessions for various companies. We do not offer open courses, therefore it is difficult to provide a fixed date.

We do not offer certifications because our courses are customized. At the end of the courses, each attendee receives a certificate of participation issued by eSolutions Academy.

No. We have two classrooms, each equipped with high-performance PCs.

It is recommended to study individually, regardless of the type of course or teaching method.

After choosing the course you are interested in, discuss with your HR or your hiring manager to set up a meeting with us. Registration can be made by e-mail, by phone, or at our office.

All courses take place during the week, between 9 AM and 6 PM.

Our instructors are professionals with a minimum of 10 years of practical experience.

Groups consist of between 9 and 12 participants so that the instructor can spend more time with each course attendee.

Yes, the practical part represents the majority of course time. The remaining time is dedicated to studying and discussing the theoretical part.

The curriculum objectives are established with the course beneficiaries and then developed accordingly.