Java Performance Tuning & Optimization

In addition to concepts that underlie the functioning of the JVM (Garbage Collection, Just-In-Time Compiler, Locking mechanism), this course covers both general principles of optimization and tuning the performance of a system, as well as practical considerations of using synchronization primitives from java.util.concurrent, .wait()/.notify(), Thread Pool Executors, Thread Locals, Volatile, and others.
Participants do not need to have prior knowledge in the area of performance or concurrent programming. A minimum of 2-3 years of Java/C++ experience is generally sufficient. However, the benefit of the course is significantly greater if certain concepts are already familiar to the participants, such as: what a thread is, the main areas of memory, what a processor register is, what a Lock is, etc.
This course is taught in Romanian, with course materials available in either English, or Romanian. The course can be personalized - on request.
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20 Constantin Budisteanu Street , 1 st. District, Bucharest
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